Scriptures of Hinduism

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Sunday, 19 May 2013

13. Creation

All the studies that we did till now, whether Sharīra Trayam or Avasthā Trayam are all associated with the individual or microcosm. In Sanskrit we use the word Vyashti. Today we are going to the next topic through which we are entering Samashti or macrocosm. The topic is Srushtihi or creation or cosmology. How does the cosmos or creation come about and what was there exactly before creation came ?First before understanding the topic of creation,...

12. Ātmā

Till now we dealt with the following from Tattvabodha Sādhana Chatushtayam – Four fold qualification Sharīra Trayam – Threefold body Avasthā Trayam – Threefold states of experience Pancha Koshaha – Fivefold personality layers of an individual We also saw that Sharīra Trayam and Kosha Panchakam both refer to the same personality alone. The Sharīra Trayam itself looked from another angle is called Kosha Panchakam and are practically one and...