In this pranayama, you breathe in and out through alternate nostrils. Hence the name.
- Place your right hand on your nose to close the nostrils.
- Fold in your index and middle fingers.
- Place your ring and little finger on the left nostril.
- Close the right nostril with your thumb.
- Lift the fingers on the left nostril and breathe through it., retain your breath.
- The right nostril should remain closed.
- Close both the nostrils and hold your breath.
- Open the right nostril and breathe out keeping the left nostril closed.
- Breathe in through the right nostril keeping the left closed.
- Hold your breath keeping both nostrils closed.
- Exhale through your left nostril.
- The right nostril should remain closed.
- In the above steps, count to 2 while inhaling, 4 while holding the breath and 8 while exhaling.
- Repeat the above eight times.
- You can build up to 16 times at one go.
- This pranayama helps achieve a melodious voice.
- Anuloma Viloma restores normal breathing.
- It is beneficial for relaxation of mind and body.
- Agnisara
- Bhramari Breathing
- Bhastrika Pranayama - Bellow Breathing
- Dirgha Pranayama — Complete Breath
- Kapal Bhati
- Moorcha Pranayama
- Sheetali Breathing
- Sheetkari Breathing
- Surya Bheda Pranayama
- Ujjayi Breathing
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