Friday 30 September 2011

Yoga for Sportsman

Yoga Articles > Yoga for Sportsman 
Yoga benefits for sportsman

Yoga should be a part of the everyday life of a sportsman. Yoga can improve the performance of any sport. Yoga releases stress and creates inner peace and also trains the body, mind and spirit to become strong and flexible. The benefits of yoga are observed and written by successful athletes and sportsmen. Another very important point to note is that yoga is not very time consuming, regular yoga practice lasts from 30 min 1.30 hours.

There are unlimited benefits of yoga if one does it religiously. We all know that yoga increases the flexibility of the muscles but one also gains balance and poise from the various yoga poses. The different yoga postures imports strength to the body . The deep breathing exercise which forms the fundamental part of yoga helps to send oxygen to the body cells. Yoga improves and complements the ability of the athlete in any sport that he chooses. Yoga also brings about coordination between body and mind and this enables them to function efficiently. Stiffness of the back is a common problem among cyclists. Yoga back postures could heal this stiffness; also the stretching poses could heal the stiffness of the legs and shoulders. People who play golf are prone to uneven muscular development because when a golfer swings he uses the same muscle group all the time and this cause’s muscular tension. Yoga Postures stretch these muscles and eases the muscular tension. For any sportsman yoga could be taken up as a warm up and warm down routine.

Yoga also improves blood circulation. It strengthens deep connective tissues preventing or minimizing injuries. The deep breathing or Pranayam in yoga builds up one’s life force energies and boosts up the immune system. It also increases stamina. Yoga trains the body to create strength through breathing control. This could be particularly applied for people who play tennis. Deep breathing exercises helps the tennis players as holding the breath at points of exertion takes a great deal of energy that could be used by players during long sets or matches . With the regular practice of balancing yoga poses, the athlete is able to perform stunts which demands right balance of the body. The athlete while performing stunts remains centered and injury free because whenever he experiences imbalance, his body immediately recovers the balance on its own .

The benefits which yoga can give to a sportsman cannot be overlooked. Yoga builds energy in a non-aggressive manner. Yoga releases tension through a slow, tensionless process. It brings about more focus, flexibility, mobility and strength which are needed by the sportsman to keep themselves fit . There are still many more advantages of yoga for sportsman. Some of the benefits have been listed below –

The effect of Yoga on our body is simple yet extremely effective.
  • Yoga is a great strength training exercise, but it is also relaxing
  • Yoga also helps to increase your oxygen intake thanks to the deep breathing used in yoga.
  • Yoga also keeps your weight in control.
  • Yoga postures tones, stretches, strengthens the body and also boosts the immune system.

There are many more benefits that a sportsman can derive from the regular practice of yoga.


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