Saturday 24 September 2011

Oordhwa Padahastasana - Hand-to-Feet Pose

In Sanskrit, "Oordha" means 'lifted', "Pada" means 'feet' and "Hasta" means 'hand'. In this pose the hands touch the raised feet of the practitioner.


  1. Lie down on the floor on your back with your legs stretched out and close together.
  2. Place your palms on the respective thighs, the fingers pointing towards the feet.
  3. Bring the two legs closer so that the big toes and heels are joined.
  4. Keep your knees tight and straight.
  5. Inhale slowly and now raise the upper and lower part of your body above the ground.
  6. Keep both the legs and arms straight.
  7. Point the toes outwards.
  8. As you do so, slide the palms up the raised legs.
  9. Stretch your arms and raising your trunk further up, try to touch the ankles with the finger tips.
  10. The upper and lower part of your body should be above the ground, the entire body weight resting on your buttocks.
  11. Fix your gaze on the toes.
  12. Continue to breathe normally.
  13. Maintain this posture as long as you comfortably can.
  14. Exhale and with exhalation return to the starting posture.


  • The pose makes the back, hips and pelvic region suppler.
  • Muscles of thighs and knees get strengthened.
  • The feet, calves, knees, thighs, posterior, arms, diaphragm, shoulders and the neck are simultaneously exercised with Oordhwa Padahastasana.
  • The abdomen as well as solar plexus attains strength with practice of this pose.
  • Women should perform the pose for a healthy uterus.


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